Manaaki is providing various hardcore neurological treatments which are quite expensive and intensive to handle in most cases. Our empanelled neurologists are well- versed & professional in handling critical and complicated neuro cases coming across the world. The best neurosurgeons in India have also adept with the latest techniques like minimally invasive surgery, stereotactic radiosurgery, deep brain stimulation, laser ablation, etc.
Neurology in India:
Neurosurgery in India is highly advanced with the latest innovation in technology and surgical intervention. The top hospitals have the best neurosurgeons in India are equipped with cutting-edge technology and advanced neuro-imaging techniques to bring about the highest success rate and better outcomes. With the aid of the new neuro-radiology equipment, neuro-intensive care facilities and clinical and radiation oncology services, India’s best neurologists and neurosurgeons have achieve highest neurological disorder and treatment results that equal those of the world’s leading institutions. The best neurosurgeons in India are highly skilled and proficient to perform complex surgeries with precision and are also adept with latest techniques like minimally invasive surgery, stereotactic radiosurgery, deep brain stimulation, laser ablation, etc. The neurosurgeons also have years of experience and can effectively treat conditions like epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, etc. with positive outcomes.
Neurological Treatments in India:
Our best neurosurgeons in India perform a range of different tests and procedures to diagnose and treat neurological conditions. Some of these procedures include:
- Pituitary Tumor Treatment
- Brain Tumor Treatment
Pituitary Tumor Treatment:What is Pituitary Gland:
The pituitary is a small gland found inside the skull just below the brain and above the nasal passages, which are above the fleshy back part of the roof of the mouth (known as the soft palate). The pituitary sits in a tiny bony space called the sella turcica. The nerves that connect the eyes to the brain, called the optic nerves, pass close by it. It controls important functions like Growth Hormones, Thyroid-stimulating hormone, Prolactin, Oxytocin.
Pituitary Tumor:
A pituitary gland tumor is a group of abnormal cells that grows out of control in your pituitary gland. Almost all pituitary tumors are benign (not cancer) glandular tumors called pituitary adenomas. These tumors are called benign because they don’t spread to other parts of the body, like cancers can. Still, even benign pituitary tumors can cause major health problems because they are close to the brain, may invade nearby tissues (like the skull or the sinuses), and because many of them make excess hormones.
Symptoms of Pituitary Tumor:
Symptoms experienced due to pituitary tumors depend on their size and the hormones they release. Some common symptoms include :
- Headache
- Vision loss
- Seizures
- Weight changes
- Irritability, anxiety, and depression
- Nausea and vomiting
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Flushing of the face
- Weak muscles and bones
- High blood pressure
- Irregular heartbeat
- Large hands and feet (acromegaly)
- Producing breast milk even if not pregnant
Imaging studies and tests that examine the blood and urine are used to detect (find) and diagnose a pituitary tumor. Tests like Eye Exam, MRI, Blood Tests, Biopsy, Twenty-four-hour urine test, Neurological exam are used to detect any underlying tumors.
Pituitary Tumor Treatment:
Many pituitary tumors do not need treatment. For those requiring treatment, options depend on type of tumor, its size and how far it has grown into brain. Age and overall health also are also important factors to consider. Treatment options include :
- Medication or Drug Therapy – Drug therapies are used to shrink and destroy the tumor or decrease the amount of hormones the tumor is producing.
- Surgery – Surgery removes the pituitary gland.
- Radiation therapy – It is used to kill tumor cells.
These options are considered either alone or in combination, to treat a pituitary tumor and return hormone production to normal levels.
You will probably be able to return to work or your normal routine in 1 to 2 weeks. If you had stitches, they will disappear on their own in 7 to 10 days. If you had surgery through your skull, you will probably feel very tired for several weeks after surgery. You may also have headaches or problems concentrating.
Cost Estimate:
Pituitary Gland Tumor Treatment cost in India ranges between USD 6500 to USD 7500 and investigations may cost upto USD 500-1000.