
The Manaaki’s department specializes in treating patients through multiple procedures including intrauterine insemination, surgical methods, medical or assisted yet advanced reproductive technologies. The team continuously strives to upgrade the medical protocols and adopt advanced technologies in order to attain the highest successful outcomes and emphasize its dedication to help families grow.

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Symptoms of Infertility: The main symptom of infertility is not getting pregnant. There may not be any obvious symptoms. Sometimes, a woman with irregular menstrual cycle may be prone to not getting pregnant. However, in some cases men with infertility may have some signs of hormonal problems, such as changes in hair growth or sexual function.

Symptoms in Women include:

  • Having very painful periods
  • Absent periods
  • If you have had multiple miscarriages
  • Have undergone treatment for cancer
  • Are over age 40

Symptoms in Men include:

  • A low sperm count or other problems with sperm
  • A history of testicular, prostate or sexual problems
  • Undergone treatment for cancer
  • Small testicles or swelling in the scrotum

Causes of Infertility:

All the steps from ovulation, ejaculation and fertilization need to happen correctly in order for a woman to conceive. The normal reproduction process requires interaction between the female and male reproductive tracts. The woman ovulates and releases an egg from her ovaries to travel through the Fallopian tube to her uterus (womb). The male produces sperm. Both egg and sperm normally meet in the woman’s Fallopian tube, where fertilization occurs. The embryo then implants in the uterus for further development. Infertility occurs when something in this pattern does not happen. The problem could be with the woman (female infertility), with the man (male infertility), or with both. Unknown factors cause infertility 10% of the time. For infertility with an unknown cause, all findings from standard tests may be normal. The actual cause of infertility may not be detected because the problem may be with the egg or sperm itself or with the embryo and its inability to implant.

Causes of male infertility:

  • effective production of sperm
  • sperm count, or the number of sperm
  • shape of the sperm
  • Movement of the sperm, which includes both the wiggling motion of the sperm themselves and the transport of the sperm through the tubes of the male reproductive system.

Causes of Female Infertility:

  • ovulation, when the mature egg is released from the ovary
  • fertilization, which occurs when sperm meets the egg in the fallopian tube after traveling through the cervix and uterus
  • implantation, which occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus where it can then grow and develop into a baby

Treatment for Infertility:

Thanks to technology, there are lots of ways to help people with all kinds of fertility issues. The options that are best for you depend on your personal situation and what’s causing your infertility.Sometimes only one person needs treatment, other times both partners will use a combination of treatments together. Fertility treatments often include medications that help with hormones and ovulation, sometimes combined with minor surgical procedures. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is another available infertility treatment in India which the egg and sperm are handled. There are several types of ART. Two of the most common fertilization methods used are:

1. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): During IUI, healthy sperm are placed directly in the uterus around the time the ovary releases one or more eggs to be fertilized. Depending on the reasons for infertility, the timing of IUI can be coordinated with your normal cycle or with fertility medications.

2. In vitro Fertilization (IVF): In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most common ART technique. IVF involves stimulating and retrieving multiple mature eggs, fertilizing them with sperm in a dish in a lab, and implanting the embryos in the uterus several days after fertilization.

There are several other treatment options available for both men and women. Some are listed below:

1. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): A single healthy sperm is injected directly into a mature egg. ICSI is often used when there is poor semen quality or quantity, or if fertilization attempts during prior IVF cycles failed.

2. Medications: More often than not, ovulation problems can be solved with the use of fertility medications. Talk to your doctor to determine the best course of action for you.

3. Fertility Preservation: Whether you’re recovering from an illness, or just aren’t ready to have children, freezing your eggs is a great alternative for those who are waiting to build their family.

4. Egg Donation: With the help of IVF, a donor’s eggs are fertilized with your partner’s sperm (or donor sperm) and the embryos are transferred to your uterus for implantation and pregnancy.

5. Donor Sperm: Having a baby with the help of a sperm donor is a great alternative for single moms, lesbian couples or anyone struggling with infertility.

6. Surrogacy: A surrogate, or gestational carrier, is a great alternative for a gay male partnership or a woman who is unable to carry a baby on her own.

7. Surgery: Infertility surgical procedures can help to correct many fertility problems and anatomical abnormalities that may lead to infertility or pregnancy losses.

Cost for Infertility Treatment in India:

India is a forerunner in the world of medical tourism. IVF treatment in India is extremely affordable compared to what people would pay in their own country. India also has the highest number of experienced IVF specialists on par with the other countries. English speaking staff is useful since the patients can converse. In other countries like Thailand and Mexico, language is a big barrier. Infertility treatment in India will cost approximately ranging from USD 3000-6000 and USD 500-1000 for Infertility Evaluation by our specialists.

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